Preparing to Expand Our Refugee & Immigrant Services


Dear Friend,

In recent years, U.S. policy changes were detrimental to the refugee resettlement infrastructure that has long been a part of the American nonprofit sector. Year after year, we watched as Federal reductions cut refugee resettlement numbers in half, then in half again. During this time, we grieved as our colleagues and partner organizations suffered from these cutbacks and, in some cases, were forced to close their doors.


As 2021 begins, Inspiritus is eager and preparing for rapid expansion of our Refugee & Immigrant Services, to help as our country returns to its legacy of being a global advocate for refugees. We are grateful to our many supporters who care so passionately for refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants. Your compassion and unyielding support helped us make it through this tough time. Now, it is with great hope that we, together, look forward to rapid growth in the years ahead -- as a wave of policy changes help us return to being the welcomer of refugees we have always been as a country.

Inspiritus would like to thank you all for your continued support during these turbulent and unprecedented times. Without the generosity of individuals like you, our work would not be possible!

Over the last four years, our Refugee & Immigrant Services program had to adapt like never before. But our commitment to those we serve has never faltered.

As we gear up for exciting news from Washington D.C. in the weeks ahead, we need your help now more than ever. President Biden’s immigration proposals not only include a pathway to citizenship for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants but entail an expanded refugee resettlement plan as well. We are eager to welcome those who seek an opportunity to start anew in America.

I Stand with Refugees!

Inspiritus and our national partner, Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services, encourage you to not only welcome these individuals with open arms, but to take action and make an impact in your community.

LIRS has outlined 5 ways YOU can make an difference:

Act: Sign up for the LIRS newsletter or alerts and follow their Facebook page (@LIRSorg) to receive special news blasts with timely information on the changing policies and how you can continue to support the work of welcoming migrants and refugees. These news blasts will include details of each policy, a short summary that can easily be shared with friends and family, and actions you can take to continue to support migrants and refugees.

Donate: Inspiritus, LIRS, and our partner organizations are preparing for some big changes. We invite you to be part of the rebuilding of our capacity to welcome so we can support every migrant and refugee family that comes through our doors. Donate here or use the button below.

Advocate: Your advocacy communicates to our nation’s leaders that the communities they represent stand with migrants and refugees. Though we expect positive change to come with the new administration, we still need your voice! Bookmark the LIRS Advocacy page and stay up to date with the latest ways you can get involved.

Pray: Pray for our country, our leaders, and the changing policies that affect migrants and refugees.

Psalm 146

God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, you have cared for refugees throughout the ages. You walked with Abraham and Sarah. You provided for Hagar and her child Ishmael. When Jacob’s family was forced by famine to leave their home, you guided them to Egypt. You freed your people Israel from slavery and led them, safely through the wilderness. You protected the holy family of Jesus when they fled violence. You commanded your people to show compassion and justice to foreign workers and bade them remember that they once had been wanderers. Jesus identified with the sojourner when he said, ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Teach: LIRS has put together a list of their Top Ten Immigration Policy Priorities for the new administration. Read more about each priority on their website to learn more about how we believe these changes can transform our immigration system.

As always, thank you for the compassion and support you provide to refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants. Let us rejoice in the spirit of welcome!

With Gratitude,

Virginia Spencer
Chief Development Officer